Monday, December 3, 2007

"I am a thinker and I think thinks"

1. What concerns me in this world is that more people are concerned about the environment (forests, global warming) and animals (endangered) than human beings dying of diseases (AIDS, HIV) and poor nutrition because they are too poor. Environmentalists think more highly of animals than human beings. They believe than humans are the polluters of the world and that animals should be treated with more respect than the average human being.


Peter said...

I think its admirable to think of the environment and people in 3rd world countries in comparison to domestic problems (although they exist here as well). Humans really are the polluters and it is suggested that we are causeing the "6th extinction." This is the 1st extinction that has ever been caused by humans.

Mr. Miles said...

My theory is that we need people to be concerned about everything. If there was no one concerned about AIDS, for example, that wouldn't be right. But then if we had no one worried about the plight of spotted owls, out eco system would be thrown off, then the mice would get out of control, the plants would suffer, then eventually it'd have a big impact on the planet, where we are all living.

I think we need people to be passionate about different causes because it creates a balance in our world.

Tyler K's Blog said...

I do not exactly agree with your arguement but I can see where you are going. I thing people are still worrying about the health of human beings, just in a different way. We want the earth to be healthy so people can live here for a long time, just like they want to stop AIDs from spreading. Cya in class tomorrow.